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Function Synopsis
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REDUCE compute a bandwidth-reduced FEM domain connectivity list
REDUCE reduces the bandwidth of a FEM element list
using the symmetric reverse Cuthill-McKee bandwidth reduction
algorithm. It employs the MATLAB routine SYMRCM to perform
the reordering and then permutes the remaining input arguments
according to the new node numbering.
INPUT: e - element list; 3 (.tri) or 4 (.ele) columns wide (REQ)
x,y,z - nodal coordinate lists (OPT)
OUTPUT: re - reordered element list (REQ)
rx,ry,rz - reordered nodal coordinates (OPT)
rb - reordered boundary segment list (OPT)
perm - permutation list (REQ)
CALL: REDUCE requires one of the following calling formats:
1) [re,perm]=reduce(e);
2) [re,rx,ry,rz,rbnd,perm]=reduce(e,x,y,z);
Written by : Brian O. Blanton
October 1995
Cross-Reference Information
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