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Function Synopsis


Help text

LOADGRID load principle gridfiles for a given FEM domain
 LOADGRID loads grid files for a given FEM domain and returns
 a fem_grid_struct to the local workspace.  The returned
 structure contains atleast the minimum grid components
 for boundary plotting, contouring, etc.  Additionally,
 if land description files exist (.lnd, .lbe), the land
 description arrays are attached to the structure as well.

  Input: gridname - name of domain to load grid files

 Output: LOADGRID returns a fem_grid_struct containing (atleast)
         the following fields:
         1)  .name   name of FEM domain
         2)  .e      node connectivity array (cols 2-4 of .ele file )
         3)  .x      x-horizontal node list  (col 2 of .nod file )
         4)  .y      y-horizontal node list  (col 3 of .nod file )
         5)  .z      bathymetry list	      (col 2 of .bat) file
         6)  .bnd    boundary node/pair list (.bnd file )

 LOADGRID with no input gridname checks to see if the global
 variable DOMAIN has been set.  If so, LOADGRID uses this
 name to load files for.  If DOMAIN does NOT exist or is
 empty, the input gridname must be specified.

 If the boundary list (.bnd) exists locally, LOADGRID
 attempts to load the remaining files locally.  If the .bnd
 file does NOT exist locally, LOADGRID searches the
 GRIDS and GRIDDIRS global variables for the grid data.

 If any of the principle grids files does not exist, LOADGRID
 displays the appropriate message and exits, returning a
 partially filled fem_grid_struct WHICH IS INVALID.  The
 returned structure CANNOT be passed to any subsequent
 OPNML/MATLAB function expecting a valid fem_grid_struct.
 NOTE THIS EXCEPTION: the function GRIDINFO will take any
 fem_grid_struct and describe the field contents.

 >> mcbo=loadgrid('mcbo')

 This returns a fem_grid_struct into the local workspace
 named "mcbo" which contains the following minimum fields:

    mcbo =
	 name: 'mcbo'
	    e: [727x3 double]
	    x: [444x1 double]
	    y: [444x1 double]
	    z: [444x1 double]
	  bnd: [161x2 double]

 Written  by : Brian O. Blanton
 Summer 1997

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

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