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Function Synopsis


Help text

LCONTOUR contour a scalar on a FEM grid.
   LCONTOUR contours a scalar field on the input FEM grid.
   LCONTOUR accepts a vector of values to be contoured 
   over the provided mesh.  

   INPUT : fem_grid_struct (from LOADGRID, see FEM_GRID_STRUCT)
           Q    - scalar to be contoured upon; must be a 1-D vector 
                  or the single character 'z', IN SINGLE QUOTES!!
           cval - vector of values to contour

           In order to contour the FEM domain bathymetry, pass
           in the string 'z' in place of an actual scalar field Q.
           You could, of course, pass in the actual bathymetry as
           the scalar to contour.  Otherwise, Q must be a 1-D vector
           with length equal to the number of nodes in the FEM mesh.

           The parameter/value pairs currently allowed in the LCONTOUR  
           function are as follows (default values appear in {}) :

                Color       {'r' = red}
                LineStyle   {'-' = solid}
                LineWidth   {0.5 points; 1 point = 1/72 inches}
                MarkerSize  {6 points}

           See the Matlab Reference Guide entry on the LINE command for
           a complete description of parameter/value pair specification.

           The idea and some of the constructs used in pv decoding
           in this routine come from an unreleased MathWorks function 
           called polar2.m written by John L. Galenski III  
           and provided by Jeff Faneuff.

  OUTPUT :  h - the handle to the contour line(s) drawn

    CALL : >> h=lcontour(fem_grid_struct,Q,cval,p1,v1,p2,v2,...)
           >> h=lcontour(fem_grid_struct,'z',cval,p1,v1,p2,v2,...)

 Written by : Brian O. Blanton

Cross-Reference Information

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