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Function Synopsis


Help text

 IS_VALID_STRUCT2 - Determine if the input structure is "valid"

     IS_VALID_STRUCT2 determines whether or not the input
     structure contains additional field data beyond the 
     minimum valid fields checked for by  IS_VALID_STRUCT.
     Recall that a valid FEM_GRID_STRUCT contains (atleast) 
     the following (NOT EMPTY) fields:


     IS_VALID_STRUCT2 verifies the existence of .A, .B, .A0,
     and .T which are filled by BELINT, and of .ar filled by
     EL_AREAS.  These additional FEM fields are needed by 
     OPNML/MATLAB element-finding, basis  and interpotion 

 CALL: errflag=is_valid_struct2(fem_grid_struct)
 Written by : Brian O. Blanton
 Summer 1998

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

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