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Function Synopsis
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INTERP_SCALAR - interpolate scalar values onto scatter points
INTERP_SCALAR Interpolates a scalar defined at all 2-D grid points
in the fem_grid_struct onto the scattered points (x,y).
INPUT : fem_grid_struct (from LOADGRID, see FEM_GRID_STRUCT)
q - scalar field to interpolate
x,y - points to interpolate to (optional)
j - elements that contain x,y points (optional)
If x,y are not passed in, INTERP_SCALAR prompts the user
to specify a location with the mouse. In this case,
the location, element number, and interpolated vaule
are returned through the first output argument, or else
to the screen, as [x y j outq].
If j is not passed in, INTERP_SCALAR locates the points
within fem_grid_struct and returns the element list
if two output arguments are provided.
OUTPUT : outq - interpolated values
j - elements (optional)
x,y - mouse-specified point (optional)
CALL : outq=interp_scalar(fem_grid_struct,q); (mouse-driven)
Written by : Brian O. Blanton
Summer 1998
Cross-Reference Information
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