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Matlab files in this Directory
basis1d1 ***********************************************************************
basis2d BASIS2D compute basis functions for input points in FEM grid
belint BELINT - compute shape function information for a FEM domain
breakstruct BREAKSTRUCT - split fem_grid_struct into separate components
bwidth BWIDTH compute the full bandwidth of an FEM element list
colormesh2d COLORMESH2D draw a FEM mesh in 2-d colored by a scalar quantity.
colormesh3d COLORMESH3D draw FEM mesh in 3-d given, colored by a scalar field.
detbndy DETBNDY compute a boundary segment list for a FEM domain
divg DIVG - Compute the divergence of a FEM 2-D vector field
drawelems DRAWELEMS draw 2-D FEM element configuration
drawelems3d DRAWELEMS3D draw 2-D FEM element configuration in 3-D
drawvec DRAWVEC draw arrows for vectors
el_areas EL_AREAS - compute triangular finite element areas
elgen ELGEN generate an element list for a rectangular FEM mesh
fem_data_structFEM_DATA_STRUCT - FEM data description structure
fem_grid_structFEM_GRID_STRUCT - Finite element method (FEM) grid description structure
fem_icq4_structFEM_ICQ4_STRUCT - FEM icq4 data description structure
findelem FINDELEM element finding utility
horzslicefem HORZSLICEFEM slice a FEM domain horizontally
grad GRAD - Compute the gradient of a FEM 2-D scalar field
gridinfo GRIDINFO - display info about fem_grid_struct
interp_scalar INTERP_SCALAR - interpolate scalar values onto scatter points
is_valid_structIS_VALID_STRUCT - Determine if the input structure is "valid"
is_valid_struct2IS_VALID_STRUCT2 - Determine if the input structure is "valid"
labcont LABCONT - label contours drawn with LCONTOUR
lcontour LCONTOUR contour a scalar on a FEM grid.
loadgrid LOADGRID load principle gridfiles for a given FEM domain
vecplot VECPLOT routine to plot vectors.
ele2nei ELE2NEI - build a FEM neighbor list from element and node lists
vort VORT - Compute the vorticity of a FEM 2-D vector field
curl CURL - Compute the CURL of a FEM 2-D vector field
Contents OPNML/MATLAB5 FEM-related routines
numbnd NUMBND number boundary nodes on current axes in viewing region.
numelems NUMELEMS number elements on current axes in viewing region.
numnodes NUMNODES number nodes on current axes.
plotbnd PLOTBND - plot boundary of FEM mesh
plotdrog PLOTDROG plot drogue .pth file output from DROG3D or DROG3DDT.
sample_field_2dSAMPLE_FIELD_2D Mouse-driven 2-D FEM Field Sampler
reduce REDUCE compute a bandwidth-reduced FEM domain connectivity list
showelem SHOWELEM highlight and display statistics on selected element
which_elem WHICH_ELEM determine bounding finite element in given domain