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Function Synopsis


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HORZSLICEFEM slice a FEM domain horizontally
   HORZSLICEFEM slices a 3-D FEM domain specified in zgrid
   horizontally at vertical position zlev, mapping the 
   data in q to that level.

 Inputs (all three arguments REQUIRED):
   zgrid - vertical position of FEM domain, in [nn x nnv] shape 
       q - [nn x nnv] scalar field, in [nn x nnv] shape 
           or a 3-d array of several variables to slice,
           [nn x nnv x nqs], where nqs is the number of scalars
           to slice
    zlev - the vertical level at which to make slice

    qlev - quantity q mapped to zlev 

 ALTERNATIVE: (not yet available)
  Input (Both arguments REQUIRED):
   fem_icq4_struct - structure containing .icq4 variables
   zlev - the vertical level at which to make slice

    qlev - all 3-D .icq4 field variables mapped to zlev.
           in the following order:

 Call as: >> qlev=horzslicefem(zgrid,q,zlev)
    OR:   >> qlev=horzslicefem(fem_icq4_struct,zlev)

 Written by: Brian O. Blanton
             December 1998   

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