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FEM_DATA_STRUCT - FEM data description structure
FEM_DATA_STRUCT is a structure containing the
components that make up a finite element data file.
This data structure is returned/accepted by all
OPNML/MATLAB I/O routines that the standard
filetypes (.src, .s2r, ...).
The struct array FEM_DATA_STRUCT contains the following fields:
.fname - filename prefix of FEM data file [char array]
.fext - filename suffix of FEM data file [char array]
.fpath - directory file is read from [char array]
.gname - gridname for FEM data file [char array]
.h1 - file header line records [char array]
.h2 - file header line records [char array]
.h3 - file header line records [char array]
.ndim - number of dimensions of data [double array]
.type1 - scalar|vector flag [char array]
.type2 - real/complex flag [char array]
.type3 - real-imag(ri) | amp-phase(ap) [char array]
.freq - frequency for complex data [double array]
.n - number of 2-D points [double array]
.nnv - number of 3-D levels [double array]
.data1 - dim 1 data (n*nnv X {1|2}) [double array]
.data2 - dim 2 data (n*nnv X {1|2}) [double array]
.data3 - dim 3 data (n*nnv X {1|2}) [double array]
(FEM_DATA_STRUCT is NOT a function; this is just the description
file for the structure.)
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