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Function Synopsis
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ELGEN generate an element list for a rectangular FEM mesh
ELGEN generate an element list for a FEM mesh with nhorz nodes in the
x-direction and nvert nodes in the y-direction. This function
is used primarily to provide element lists for transect data
so that contours can be computed for the normal component of
the transect.
Example: If a transect is made with 25 horizontal and 10 vertical
stations, ELGEN would be called as follows:
>> ellist=elgen(25,10);
The result would be an element list containing the node numbers
for the three vertices of 2*(nhorz-1)*(nvert-1) elements in a matrix
with 2*(nhorz-1)*(nvert-1) rows and 3 columns.
Brian O. Blanton
Curriculum in Marine Sciences
Ocean Processes Numerical Modeling Laboratory
15-1A Venable Hall
CB# 3300
Uni. of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
September 1994
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