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Function Synopsis
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GENBFD generate a "basis function data" file for FD contouring
GENBFD computes an information file for contouring FEM
node-based data using FD sampled points and MATLAB's
contourf routine. The FD-based plotting tools are part
of the FDCONT toolkit.
Input: fem_grid_struct - FEM domain
xylist - FD point list (n X 2) or a 1x2 vector
containing [nx ny], the number of FD
points in (x,y) to discretize the area.
See below.
outflag - flag to output .bfd file to disk
if outflag==1, the bfd matrix is output to
the current directory with the name
if outflag==0, the bfd matrix is returned
bfdfilename - optional filename to write bfd matrix to.
Arguments 1-3 are required.
If xylist is passed in as [nx ny], GENBFD generates
the FD points convering an area equal to the
total extent of the FEM domain. If only 1 integer
is passed in, then nx=ny, GENBFD takes the smaller
of [(xmax-xmin),(ymax-ymin)] for equal spacing.
Output: The result of GENBFD is a matrix
containing the following information.
For each FD point:
x y elem n1 n2 n3 b1 b2 b3 depth
where x,y = FD point coordinate
elem = FE element containing x y (==0 if outside FE mesh)
n1,n2,n3 = node numbers of containing element (or closest)
b1,b2,b3 = basis function values (or 1 0 0 if outside FEM)
depth = depth at xy (or depth of closest node)
For any given FD discretization, the bfd matrix need only be
computed once. The bfd matrix is passed to FE2FD to perform
the actual FE to FD interpolation.
Call: bfd=genbdf(fem_grid_struct,xylist,outflag)
OR bfd=genbdf(fem_grid_struct,xylist,outflag,bfdfilename)
OR bfd=genbdf(fem_grid_struct,[nx ny],outflag,bfdfilename)
Written by: Brian Blanton (Spring 99) to implement
Chris Naimie's "bfd" file in MATLAB.
Produced by mat2html on Tue Feb 2 16:15:45 EST 1999
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