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Function Synopsis
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FDVECTOR plot vectors from a bfd sampling.
FDVECTOR plots vectors from a FEM domain that has been
sampled on a finite difference grid. The FD grid
is contained in a .bfd file (See GENBFD) and FDVECTOR
handles the interpolatopn of FE vector data onto
the FD grid. (VECPLOT2 does the actual plotting.)
Input: bdf - bfd array (all 10 columns)
u - east vector amplitude
v - west vector amplitude
sc - vector scaler; (optional; def = 1.)
stride - stride over nodes
sclab - label for vector scale; (optional; def = 'cm/s')
scale_xor,scale_yor - vector scale origin (optional)
The stride argument is used to plot every other
vector (stride=2, e.g.).
Including the scale_xor,scale_yor prevents the mouse-driven
specification of the vector scale placement.
Output: h - vector of handles to objects drawn.
Cross-Reference Information
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