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Help text

  OPNML/matlab Contents list:
  Last Update: 2 Feb 1999
  Contact: Brian Blanton
           Department of Marine Sciences
           Ocean Processes Numerical Modeling Laboratory
           15-1A Venable Hall
           CB# 3300
           Uni. of North Carolina
           Chapel Hill, NC


  NOTES: Functions designated with (*) were written outside of OPNML. 
         Type "help <function-name>" at the MATLAB prompt ">>" for more
         information on any function below.
  	OPNMLINIT  -  initialization function for accesing OPNML routines 
  	              and data directories.  This routine calls SETDIRS
  	              to specify the data directories and other FEM 
  	              things.  For a Contents list of the OPNML 
                     directory, type "help opnml" at the matlab prompt
                     >>.  The function OPNMLINIT must called from
                     your startup.m file in your local home matlab
                     directory, $HOME/matlab/startup.m  This file should
                     atleast look like:

  Finite-Element specific routines:
       BWIDTH       - compute bandwidth of an element list (.ele)
       COLORMESH2D  - draw FEM mesh in 2-D with color scaling
       COLORMESH3D  - draw FEM mesh in 3-D with color scaling
       DELCONT      - delete all objects related to LCONTOUR2 
       DELVEC       - delete all objects related to VECPLOT2 
       DETBNDY      - compute a boundary node list from an element and
                      node list
   	DRAWELEMS    - draw element picture 
       ELGEN        - generate a transect element list
       ELE2NEI      - build a neighbor list from an element list 
       LABCONT      - label contours drawn with LCONTOUR2 
	LCONTOUR     - plot a contour given mesh data and 1-D vector
       LOADGRID     - load .ele, .nod, .bat, and .bnd files for a 
                      specified grid and return to workspace
       MARKCCW      - mark CounterClockWise oriented tidal ellisese
                      with an asterisk (*)
  	NUMBND       - number boundary nodes within viewing window
  	NUMELEMS     - number elements within viewing window
  	NUMNODES     - number nodes within viewing window
  	NUMSCAL      - number nodes in viewing window with scalar values
  	PLOTDROG     - plot DROG3D or DROG3DDT .pth filetype
       READ_NEI     - read FEM .nei filetype
       READ_PTH     - read DROG3D or DROG3DDT .pth filetype
       READ_S2R     - read FEM .s2r filetype
       READ_S3C     - read FEM .s3c filetype
       READ_TRN     - read FEM .trn transect filetype
       READ_V2C     - read FEM .v2c or .v3r filetypes
       READ_V2R     - read FEM .v2r, .s2c, or .s3r filetypes
       READ_V3C     - read FEM .v3c filetype
       READ_VEL     - read FEM .vel filetype
       RESCALE      - redraw vector plot with different vector scale
       STICKPLOT    - high-level vector plotter with sticks and dots
       TELLIPSE     - draw ellipses based on amp-phase field definition
   	VECPLOT2     - high-level vector plotter with arrowheads
       WRITE_NEI    - write a FEM neighbor file 
  Atomic routines called by above functions:
       DRAWSTICK  - compute and draw vectors based on vector origins
   		     and magnitudes with sticks and dots at origins
   	DRAWVEC    - same as DRAWSTICK but with arrowheads
       ELLIPSE    - draw ellipses based on major, minor axis data
       ELLSCALE   - include a vector scale on an ellipse picture
       GET_DEPTHS - load and return 1-column depth vector
       GET_ELEMS  - load and return 3-column element matrix
       GET_NODES  - load and return 2-column node matrix
       MOVETEXT   - move a text object on the current axes
       PLOTBND    - plot boundary of FEM domain from (x,y) and 
                    boundary list
       VECSCALE   - draw a vector scale on the current figure with
  	             size equal to the largest vector in the viewing
  	 	     window multiplied by a scaling factor
  General routines (not finite-element specific)
     AZ_EL        - slider(widget)-driven 3-D azimuth and elevation control
     AMPPHATOSC   - convert amp-pha field to scalar field at time t
     AP_TO_RI_DEG - convert amp/phase to real/imag, assuming degrees
     AP_TO_RI_RAD - convert amp/phase to real/imag, assuming radians
     BLANK        - remove leading and trailing whitespace from string
     CHAXIS       - button-driven axis editing panel
     CIRCLES      - plot circles with radii and optional origins
     COLORMENU2(*)- menu-driven colormap selector 
     DELFIG       - draw a 'delete figure' button in the lower-left
  	             corner of the current figure (window)
     DELTEXT      - remove all text objects from current axes
     FULLPAGE     - generate a plotting window that is ~8.5X11 inches
                    for production-sized plots
     GEN_DROG_GRID- mouse-driven initial contidion generator for DROG3D
     GTEXT2       - place text on axes with different font attributes;
                    an OPNML enhancement of MATLAB's GTEXT
     HLINE	   - draw a horizontal line on current axes
     ISINT        - determine if input is integer
     ISOBJ(*)     - determine if given handle is a valid object
     LANDPAGE     - set up an ~11x8.5 plotting region
     MOVETEXT     - move text objects on the figure
     PAN	   - move viewing window to a new center; mouse-driven
     PLOTYY(*)    - plot graphs with Y tick labels on left and right side
     PRINTFILE    - create a dialog box to print figures to files
     PRINTSETUP   - create an interactive printed-page layout editor
     PRMENU       - set up selection menus at top of current figure (window)
     RGB          - Red/GreenBlue color editor
     RI_TO_AP_DEG - convert real/imag to amp/phase, assuming degrees
     RI_TO_AP_RAD - convert real/imag to amp/phase, assuming radians
     SCRANGE      - compute and return the range (min & max) of a matrix
     SETALLLIMS   - set all axes limits on the current figure to the
                    same set of limits
     TRANSLINES   - plot user-specified lines of current axes and
                    report end-points
     VLINE	   - draw a vertical line on current axes
     WYSIWYG(*)   - changes the size of the figure on the screen to equal
                    the size of the figure that would be printed
     Y2LABEL(*)   - Y-axis label for second y-axis created using PLOTYY

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