function [elts,nelt]=count(x) %COUNT Elements of a matrix in set theoretic sense. % COUNT(X) is a row vector containing the % distinct elements of X. % [ELTS,NELT] = COUNT(X) produces % the elements of X in ELTS and % the corresponding count of the elements in NELT. % X is treated as 1 set and may contain NaN's and Inf's % (which are counted also). Complex arrays as well as % sparse matrices and text strings are handled properly. % ELTS is sorted. % Enter 'count' for a demo. % Author: J. Rodney Jee,, 28-JAN-95 % Brian O. Blanton changed the name of this routine from % ELEMENTS to COUNT for obvious FEM-related reasons. 30-Oct-95 if ( nargin == 0 ) % DEMO this function when no input. disp('+++++++++++++++ DEMO of COUNT +++++++++++++++') disp('GIVEN a set, say') x = round( rand(4,6)*4 ) disp('COUNT returns its') [members,counts]=count(x); members disp('and their respective') counts disp('+++++++++++++++++ END of DEMO +++++++++++++++++') return end % The key ideas of this method are to (1)sort the data, (2)take the % differences of the sorted data and look for nonzeros in the % differences which mark the ends of strings of the same values, (3) % collect the values of step 2, and (4)use the indices of the % jumps to tally the members. if (issparse(x)) % Check for sparse matrix. nzeros=prod(size(x))-nnz(x); x = nonzeros(x); % Required to be a column matrix. else if ( isstr(x) ) % Convert text strings to integer. xstring=1; x = abs(x); x = x(:); else xstring=0; nzeros=0; x = x(:); end end indexf = finite(x); xout = x( ~indexf ); % Set aside NaNs and Infs. x = sort( x(indexf) ); % Step (1). if ( isempty(x) ) elts = []; nelt = []; elseif (length(x) == 1) elts = x; nelt = 1; else indjump = find(diff(x) ~= 0); % Step (2). if ( length(indjump) == 0 ) elts = x(1); nelt = length(x); else elts = x(indjump); % Step (3). elts = [elts.',x(length(x))]; nelt = diff( [0, indjump.', length(x)] ); % Step (4). end end if (isempty(xout) & (nzeros==0)) return else % Append NaN's,Inf's, and 0's. nnan = sum(isnan(xout)); ninf = length(xout) - nnan; if ( nnan > 0) elts = [elts, NaN]; nelt = [nelt, nnan]; end if ( ninf > 0) elts = [elts, Inf]; nelt = [nelt, ninf]; end if ( nzeros > 0) elts = [elts, 0]; nelt = [nelt, nzeros]; end end if (xstring) elts = setstr(elts); end