function ret_struct=read_ucd(inpname); %READ_UCD read an .inp file, an AVS-Unstructured Cell Data file with % uniform cell topology of type TRI. % % For an unknown reason, AVS uses the suffix '.inp' to indicate % a input file for a UCD structure and not the obvious '.ucd', % even though the AVS routines which use UCD structures are called % UCD routines. OPNML will adhere to this convention as well. % This unfortunately conflicts with the filename suffix for % the FUNDY series of FEM models. % % This routine is provided as an "interface" between the % AVS-UCD datatype and OPNML/MATLAB in the loosest sense. % Currently, only the TRANSECT code and the transect routines % in QUODDY3.3 and later output a UCD-structure file. % The .trn (transect) filetype is obsolete. % % Input: If inpname is omitted, READ_UCD enables a file browser % with which the user can specify the .inp file. % % Otherwise, READ_UCD takes as input the filename of the % transect data file, including the .inp suffix. % % Output: The output of READ_UCD is a fem_grid_struct containing the % transect information. The output structure can be passed % directly to OPNML routines like COLORMESH2D, LCONTOUR, etc. % The actual data for the transect is attached to the structure % in the field .data. This .data field is as wide % as the number of columns in the node-data specification % part of the .inp file. Vector components will be returned % as three scalars, NOT 1 vector. % % Read the "man" page for TRANSECT (type "man transect" at a UNIX % prompt) for more information on the transect output formats. % % Make sure a semi-colon is used at the end of the command; % otherwise READ_UCD will return the output arrays to the screen. % % Since OPNML/MATLAB routines are based on linear triangular % finite elements in 2-D, READ_UCD only reads UCD structures % with cell-topologies of type TRI. No other cell-types, or % mixtures of cell-types, are allowed into OPNML/MATLAB through % this routine. THIS CLEARLY DOES NOT APPLY TO AVS. % % Call as: transdata=read_ucd(inpname); % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton (Jun 98) % err1=['READ_UCD requires 0 or 1 input arguments.']; err2=['READ_UCD requires exactly 1 output arguments.']; err3=['Argument to READ_UCD must be a string (filename)']; if nargin==0 & nargout==0 disp('Call as: transdata=read_ucd(inpname);') return end if nargin > 1 error(err1) end if nargout ~=1 error(err2) end if ~exist('inpname') [inpname,fpath]=uigetfile('*.inp','Which .inp'); if inpname==0,return,end else if ~isstr(inpname),error(err3),end fpath=[]; end [et,xt,yt,zt,data]=read_ucd_mex5(inpname); keyboard % Generate a fem_grid_struct for return'trans'; ret_struct.x=xt; ret_struct.y=yt; ret_struct.z=zt; ret_struct.e=et; ret_struct.bnd=detbndy(et);; return % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % %