function outmat=sample_field_2d(fem_grid_struct,nx,ny,Q,box_coords) %SAMPLE_FIELD_2D Mouse-driven 2-D FEM Field Sampler % SAMPLE_FIELD_2D is a mouse-driven 2-D field sampler prompts % the user to draw a box on the current figure, and % returns an array of coordinates and interpolated % field values. The input field array can be any number % of columns wide (scalar, vector, etc.) but must be as % long as the node coordinate lists in fem_grid_struct. % I.e., the fields to interpolate will usually come from % the FEM domain itself. % % INPUT: fem_grid_struct - FEM domain structure on which the field % to sample is related (from LOADGRID, see FEM_GRID_STRUCT). % nx,ny - number of points in the x and y direction at which to % sample the fields Q. (REQUIRED, INTEGERS) % Q - the fields to sample. This array must be the same length as % the node coordinate arrays in the valid fem_grid_struct % passed in, but the number of columns is arbitrary. % % box_coords - optional 4x1 vector defining the sample region. % The 4 values are [X1 Y1 X2 Y2], and if defined % they take precedence over the mouse-driven facility. % % OUTPUT: S - an array containing the sample points and sample values. % If nx or ny==1, then S contains the sample points and % sample values in columns. Otherwise, S is an % [nx X ny X ncol] array, where ncol is the number of % columns in the input array Q and the first 2 levels of % S are the X and Y coordinates (X=S(:,:,1), Y=S(:,:,2)). % Points not located within FEM domain are assigned NaN's % as field values. % % To contour the results in the case where nx and ny > 1, % call MATLAB's contourf routine with S appropriately % sampled. For example: % >> contourf(S(:,:,1),S(:,:,2),S(:,:,3)) % % CALL: S=sample_field_2d(fem_grid_struct,nx,ny,Q) % % Written by Brian O. Blanton % Summer 1998 % % Process incoming arguments if nargin~=4 & nargin~=5 error('Incorrect number of argument to SAMPLE_FIELD_2D.'); end % Make sure first argument is a valid fem_grid_struct if ~is_valid_struct(fem_grid_struct) error(' fem_grid_struct to SAMPLE_FIELD_2D invalid.') end if (~isint(nx)|~isint(ny))&(nx~=0|ny~=0) error('2nd and 3rd arguments to SAMPLE_FIELD_2D MUST be non-0 integers.'); end % 4th arg must me a vector with same length as fem_grid_struct.x [nrow,ncol]=size(Q); if nrow~=length(fem_grid_struct.x) error('Input field to SAMPLE_FIELD_2D MUST be same length as fem_grid_struct.x'); end % An optional 5th argument must be 4x1 or 1x4 if nargin==5 [m,n]=size(box_coords); if (m*n)~=4 error('Box_Coords must be 4x1 or 1x4 in SAMPLE_FIELD_2D.') end if m~=1&n~=1 error('Box_Coords must be 4x1 or 1x4 in SAMPLE_FIELD_2D.') end % Further box coord checks?? end % Delete previously drawn objects grids delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Sample_Field_Box')) delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Sample_Field_Points')) currfig=gcf; figure(currfig); % Get Grid dimensions if ~exist('box_coords') disp('Click and drag mouse to define sample points'); waitforbuttonpress; Pt1=get(gca,'CurrentPoint'); rbbox([get(gcf,'CurrentPoint') 0 0],get(gcf,'CurrentPoint')); Pt2=get(gca,'CurrentPoint'); curraxes=gca; else Pt1=[box_coords(1) box_coords(2) NaN; box_coords(1) box_coords(2) NaN]; Pt2=[box_coords(3) box_coords(4) NaN; box_coords(3) box_coords(4) NaN]; end % Draw box around sampling grid line([Pt1(1) Pt2(1) Pt2(1) Pt1(1) Pt1(1)],... [Pt1(3) Pt1(3) Pt2(3) Pt2(3) Pt1(3)],'Tag','Sample_Field_Box') xstart=Pt1(1); ystart=Pt1(3); xend=Pt2(1); yend=Pt2(3); % If nx or ny==1, then the output is a diagonal line % from (xstart,ystart) to (xend,yend) if nx==1 | ny==1 n=max(nx,ny); X=linspace(xstart,xend,n); Y=linspace(ystart,yend,n); else x=linspace(xstart,xend,nx); y=linspace(ystart,yend,ny); X=x(:)*(ones(size(y(:)'))); X=X'; Y=y(:)*(ones(size(x(:)'))); end line(X,Y,'Marker','.','MarkerSize',14,'Color','r',... 'LineStyle','none','Tag','Sample_Field_Points') % Call interp_scalar to do the work; once for each column of Q S=NaN*ones(length(X(:)),ncol); for i=1:ncol S(:,i)=interp_scalar(fem_grid_struct,Q(:,i),X(:),Y(:)); end if nx==1 | ny==1 outmat=[X(:) Y(:) S]; else outmat=NaN*ones(ny,nx,ncol); outmat(:,:,1)=X; outmat(:,:,2)=Y; outmat(:,:,3:ncol+2)=reshape(S,ny,nx,ncol); end % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % % Summer 1998