function [outq,jj]=interp_scalar(fem_grid_struct,q,x,y,j) %INTERP_SCALAR - interpolate scalar values onto scatter points % INTERP_SCALAR Interpolates a scalar defined at all 2-D grid points % in the fem_grid_struct onto the scattered points (x,y). % % INPUT : fem_grid_struct (from LOADGRID, see FEM_GRID_STRUCT) % q - scalar field to interpolate % x,y - points to interpolate to (optional) % j - elements that contain x,y points (optional) % % If x,y are not passed in, INTERP_SCALAR prompts the user % to specify a location with the mouse. In this case, % the location, element number, and interpolated vaule % are returned through the first output argument, or else % to the screen, as [x y j outq]. % % If j is not passed in, INTERP_SCALAR locates the points % within fem_grid_struct and returns the element list % if two output arguments are provided. % % OUTPUT : outq - interpolated values % j - elements (optional) % x,y - mouse-specified point (optional) % % CALL : outq=interp_scalar(fem_grid_struct,q); (mouse-driven) % [outq,j]=interp_scalar(fem_grid_struct,q,x,y); % outq=interp_scalar(fem_grid_struct,q,x,y,j); % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton % Summer 1998 if nargin <2 | nargin>5 error(' Incorrect number of input arguments to INTERP_SCALAR'); end % VERIFY INCOMING STRUCTURE % if ~is_valid_struct(fem_grid_struct) error(' Argument to INTERP_SCALAR must be a valid fem_grid_struct.') end if ~is_valid_struct2(fem_grid_struct) disp('Adding components') fem_grid_struct=el_areas(fem_grid_struct); fem_grid_struct=belint(fem_grid_struct); end if nargin==2 x=[];y=[];j=[]; elseif nargin==3 error('Must pass in both x AND y to INTERP_SCALAR') elseif nargin==4 if length(y)~=length(x) error('lengths of x and y MUST be equal.') end j=[]; elseif nargin==5 if length(j)~=length(x) error('lengths of element list and x,y must be equal.') end end e=fem_grid_struct.e;; A0=fem_grid_struct.A0; A=fem_grid_struct.A; B=fem_grid_struct.B; if isempty(x) disp('Click on a point ...'); waitforbuttonpress; Pt=gcp; x=Pt(2);y=Pt(4); line(x,y,'LineStyle','none','Marker','+') j=[]; end % Need to know which elements the input (x,y) points % live in, if not passed in % if isempty(j) j=findelemex5(x,y,,... fem_grid_struct.A,... fem_grid_struct.B,... fem_grid_struct.T); end % Only operate on points within domain. idx=find(~isnan(j)); jdx=j(idx); ARI=.5./AR(jdx); ARI=ARI(:); A03 = AR(jdx)-A0(jdx,1) - A0(jdx,2); q1 = q(e(jdx,1)); q2 = q(e(jdx,2)); q3 = q(e(jdx,3)); e1 = ARI.* (B(jdx,1).*q1+B(jdx,2).*q2+B(jdx,3).*q3); e2 = ARI.* (A(jdx,1).*q1+A(jdx,2).*q2+A(jdx,3).*q3); e3 = 2*ARI.* (A0(jdx,1).*q1+A0(jdx,2).*q2+A03.*q3); x=x(:);y=y(:); outq=NaN*ones(size(x)); outq(idx) = e1.*x(idx) + e2.*y(idx) + e3; if nargin==0 [x y j q] elseif nargin==2 if nargout==1 outq=[x y j outq]; else jj=j; end elseif nargin==4 if nargout==2 jj=j; end end % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % % % Summer 1998