function bfd=genbfd(fem_grid_struct,xylist,outflag,bfdfilename,refl) %GENBFD generate a "basis function data" file for FD contouring % GENBFD computes an information file for contouring FEM % node-based data using FD sampled points and MATLAB's % contourf routine. The FD-based plotting tools are part % of the FDCONT toolkit. % % Input: fem_grid_struct - FEM domain % xylist - FD point list (n X 2) or a 1x2 vector % containing [nx ny], the number of FD % points in (x,y) to discretize the area. % See below. % outflag - flag to output .bfd file to disk % if outflag==1, the bfd matrix is output to % the current directory with the name % .bfd. % if outflag==0, the bfd matrix is returned % workspace. % bfdfilename - optional filename to write bfd matrix to. % refl - Reference lon/lat for CPP transformation % 1x2 vector [reflon reflat] % (optional: output will be in input coordinates) % % Arguments 1-3 are required. % % If xylist is passed in as [nx ny], GENBFD generates % the FD points convering an area equal to the % total extent of the FEM domain. If only 1 integer % is passed in, then nx=ny, GENBFD takes the smaller % of [(xmax-xmin),(ymax-ymin)] for equal spacing. % % Output: The result of GENBFD is a matrix % containing the following information. % % For each FD point: % x y elem n1 n2 n3 b1 b2 b3 depth % % where x,y = FD point coordinate % elem = FE element containing x y (==0 if outside FE mesh) % n1,n2,n3 = node numbers of containing element (or closest) % b1,b2,b3 = basis function values (or 1 0 0 if outside FEM) % depth = depth at xy (or depth of closest node) % % For any given FD discretization, the bfd matrix need only be % computed once. The bfd matrix is passed to FE2FD to perform % the actual FE to FD interpolation. % % Call: bfd=genbfd(fem_grid_struct,xylist,outflag) % OR bfd=genbfd(fem_grid_struct,xylist,outflag,bfdfilename) % OR bfd=genbfd(fem_grid_struct,[nx ny],outflag,bfdfilename) % OR bfd=genbfd(fem_grid_struct,[nx ny],outflag,refl) % OR bfd=genbfd(fem_grid_struct,[nx ny],outflag,bfdfilename,refl) % % Written by: Brian Blanton (Spring 99) to implement % Chris Naimie's "bfd" file in MATLAB. % % CPP transformation added 07/08/2003 (CRE) % if nargin<3 | nargin>5 error('Incorrect number of arguments to GENBFD.') end if outflag~=0 & outflag~=1 error('outflag to GENBFD must be 0|1.') end grid=fem_grid_struct; grid=el_areas(grid); if ~is_valid_struct(fem_grid_struct) error(' Argument to GENBFD must be a valid fem_grid_struct.') end if ~is_valid_struct2(fem_grid_struct) disp('Adding Grid Components') grid=belint(grid); grid=el_areas(grid); end if nargin==3; end if nargin==4 if ~isstr(bfdfilename) if(isa(bfdfilename,'double')&(size(bfdfilename)==[1 2])) refl=bfdfilename;; if outflag==0 disp('Outflag==0, ignoring bfdfilename input.') end else error('bfdfilename to GENBFD must be a string.') end end end if nargin==5 if ~isstr(bfdfilename) error('bfdfilename to GENBFD must be a string.') end if outflag==0 disp('Outflag=0, ignoring bfdfilename input.') end end % Check size of xylist; if it is 1x1|1x2|2x1, assume this is % the [nx ny] case and generate the FD points [m,n]=size(xylist); if m*n==1 | m*n==2 if m*n==1 nx=xylist;ny=[]; else nx=xylist(1);ny=xylist(2); end if nx<3 | ny < 3 error('[nx,ny] to genbfd must be larger than 3x2 or 2x3') end disp(... ['Generating FD points as [' int2str(nx) ' ' int2str(ny) '] array...']) [xylist,nnx,nny]=gen_fd_points(nx,ny,fem_grid_struct); nx=nnx;ny=nny; else if (n==1 | m==1)&m*n>2 error('xylist to BASIS1D must be Nx2') end end % allow for possible 2 x N shape if n>2 xylist=xylist'; end [m,n]=size(xylist); bfd=NaN*ones(m,10); xfd=xylist(:,1); yfd=xylist(:,2); if(exist('refl','var')) [xfd,yfd]=ll2xy(xylist(:,2),xylist(:,1),refl(2),refl(1)); [xgrd,ygrd]=ll2xy(grid.y,grid.x,refl(2),refl(1)); grid.x=xgrd; grid.y=ygrd; grid=el_areas(grid); grid=belint(grid); end bfd(:,1)=xfd; bfd(:,2)=yfd; % Locate elements for xylist disp('Finding elements...') j=findelem(grid,[xfd yfd]); % which points are in.out of the FEM domain idx_in_fem=find(~isnan(j)); idx_out_fem=find(isnan(j)); % Fill element column of bfd bfd(idx_in_fem,3)=j(idx_in_fem); bfd(idx_out_fem,3)=zeros(size(idx_out_fem)); % NODE COLUMNS of bfd bfd(idx_in_fem,4:6)=grid.e(j(idx_in_fem),:); % Find nearest nodes for fd points outside FEM % Only need to search boundary nodes for closest disp('Minimizing distances...') [bnd,cbnd] = count(grid.bnd); xbnd=grid.x(bnd); ybnd=grid.y(bnd); xout=xfd(idx_out_fem); yout=yfd(idx_out_fem); XOUT=xout*ones(size(xbnd')); XBND=ones(size(xout))*xbnd'; YOUT=yout*ones(size(ybnd')); YBND=ones(size(yout))*ybnd'; XDIF=XOUT-XBND;YDIF=YOUT-YBND; DIST=sqrt(XDIF.*XDIF + YDIF.*YDIF); [min_dist,imin] = min(DIST'); nearest_nodes=bnd(imin); nearest_nodes=nearest_nodes(:); bfd(idx_out_fem,4:6)=[nearest_nodes nearest_nodes nearest_nodes]; % BASIS disp('Computing interp basis...') %size([xfd(idx_in_fem) yfd(idx_in_fem)]) phi=basis2d(grid,[xfd(idx_in_fem) yfd(idx_in_fem)],j(idx_in_fem)); bfd(idx_in_fem,7:9)=phi; % % Check sum of basis; bsum=sum(phi'); tol=1e-8; idx=find(bsum>1+tol | bsum<0-tol); if ~isempty(idx) error('Sum of FE basis ~=1.') end % bfd(idx_out_fem,7:9)=... [ones(size(nearest_nodes)) zeros(size(nearest_nodes)) zeros(size(nearest_nodes))]; % DEPTHS disp('Interpolating depths...') bfd(idx_out_fem,10)=grid.z(nearest_nodes); bfd(idx_in_fem,10)=interp_scalar(grid,grid.z,xfd(idx_in_fem),yfd(idx_in_fem),... j(idx_in_fem)); if ~isempty(find(isnan(bfd(:)))) disp('Still NaNs in bfd array') end if(exist('refl','var')) bfd(:,1:2)=xylist; end delete(findobj(0,'Tag','GENBFD fig')) figure('MenuBar','none','Name','GENBFD Output') line(bfd(:,1),bfd(:,2),'LineStyle','none','Marker','.','Color','r') set(gcf,'Tag','GENBFD fig') title_string=['GENBFD disc. [' int2str(nx) ' ' int2str(ny) '] on ']; title(title_string) hb=plotbnd(fem_grid_struct);set(hb,'LineWidth',2) axis('tight') drawnow % Check for output file flag if outflag==1 filename=[bfdfilename '.bfd']; disp(['Writing BFD matrix to ' filename]) fid=fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'%.3f %.3f %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %.2f\n',bfd'); end if nargout==0 bfd=[]; end % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% PRIVATE FUNCTION FOR GENBFD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [xy,nnx,nny]=gen_fd_points(nx,ny,fem_grid_struct) x=fem_grid_struct.x; y=fem_grid_struct.y; xmin=min(x); xmax=max(x); ymin=min(y); ymax=max(y); xrange=xmax-xmin; yrange=ymax-ymin; if isempty(ny) minrange=min(xrange,yrange); nnx=nx; else nnx=nx; nny=ny; end if isempty(ny) dx=((xmax-xmin)/(nnx-1)); xx=xmin:dx:xmax; yy=ymin:dx:ymax; nny=length(yy); else xx=linspace(xmin,xmax,nnx); yy=linspace(ymin,ymax,nny); end [XX,YY]=meshgrid(xx,yy); XX=XX';YY=YY'; % to get x-coord to vary fastest. xy=[XX(:) YY(:)]; disp(['DX = ' num2str(xx(2)-xx(1))]) disp(['DY = ' num2str(yy(2)-yy(1))]) % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % % % Spring 1999