function mtrack(X,Y,navTimes,varargin); %MTRACK Draw a trackline on a figure % % MTRACK draws navigation tracklines on a figure. The trackline % itself is optionally annontated with tick marks, time labels, and % date labels. % % MTRACK is a modification of M_MAP's M_TRACK, that does not % project the lon/lat coordinates into the map projection coordinate % system. It draws directly in (x,y), which may of course be (lo,la). % MTRACK tags objects with 'mtrack*' instead of 'm_track*'. % See M_MAP's M_TRACK for options, and DATENUM (part of the timefun % toolbox from RPS) for computing navigation times. % % MTRACK (lon,lat) draws just a plain line. lon&lat are in decimal % degrees, +N, -S, +E, -W. % % MTRACK (lon,lat,navtimes) draws a line, with tick marks every % hour, time labels every four hours, and date labels every twelve % hours. navtimes is in MatLab "serial date numbers," representing the % number of days since January 1, 0000. By convention, ticks and % time labels are drawn on the starboard side, dates on the port. % % MTRACK (lon,lat,navtime, 'string', property/value pairs) can be % used to change tick marks, time and date label properties. Allowable % combinations are: % % 'ticks' tickmark interval in minutes, default=60 % 'times' time label interval in minutes, default=240 % 'dates' date label interval in hours, default=12 % 'timef[ormat]' format of time string, see datestr(), default=15 % 'datef[ormat]' format of date string, see datestr(), default=2 % 'color' color of track/labels, default is black % 'linew[idth]' width of trackline, default is current % 'lines[tyle]' style of line, default is solid line % 'fonts[ize]' size of font, default is current % 'fontn[ame]' name of font, default is current % 'fontw[eight]' weight of font, default is current % 'clip', 'on' or 'off' (clipping to map) % % time labels need to be whole multiples of tick intervals. date % labels need to be whole multiples of time labels. using '0' for % any value will tick/label all points. using a negative number % will suppress tick/label. % m_track.m, Peter Lemmond, 13/Nov/98 % RP - 14/Nov/98 - corrected angle for first label, added tags, added CLIP % options, made labels always face upwards % This is a modification of m_track.m that does not need the projection % specifications. It draws directly in data coordinates, be it meters % or Lo/La/. BOB 19 Apr, 99. numinputs = nargin; % save this TICKS = 60; % default of 60 minute ticks TIMES = 240; % default of 4 hour times DATES = 720; % default of 12 hour dates TIMEF = 15; % default of HH:MM DATEF = 2; % default of mm/dd/yy COLOR = 'k'; % default is black LINES = '-'; % default is solid line LINEW = get(gca,'linewidth'); % default is current width FONTS = get(gca,'fontsize'); % default is current fontsize FONTN = get(gca,'fontname'); % default is current fontname FONTW = get(gca,'fontweight'); % default is current fontname CLIP='on'; MINSPERDAY = 1440; % need at least X & Y vectors if numinputs < 2 disp ('Need at least X & Y vectors!'); return; else l=length(Y); m=length(X); if (l ~= m) disp ('long and lat vectors must be the same length!'); return; end; end; % look at any options k=1; while k