%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This matlab script file performs the following steps: % 1. Read DROG3DDT style .pth file and appropriate grid % 2. Plot colorbanded bathymetry and land % 3. Plot numerical drifter trajectories by iteratively adding % nout timesteps worth of paths to the end of each path and % outputting .jpg file. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Load data from files % => gridname = name of fe grid on which .pth file was computed % ndrog = number of numerical trajectories % ndts = number of timesteps % dtsec = timestep size in seconds % xdr,ydr = matricies of numerical trajectory coordinates % (ndrog rows and ndts columns) % in = finite element incidence list % x,y = nodal coordinates of finite element grid % z = nodal depths for finite element grid % bnd = outer boundary segments for finite element grid % ls *.pth filename=input('Enter the name of .pth file: ','s'); filename=blank(filename(1:length(filename)-4)); [gridname,ndrog,ndts,dtsec,pth]=read_pth(filename,4); size(pth); ndts=ans(1)/ndrog; xdr=reshape(pth(:,1),ndrog,ndts)'; ydr=reshape(pth(:,2),ndrog,ndts)'; [in,x,y,z,bnd]=loadgrid(gridname); %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot boundary % figure; whitebg('w'); set(gcf,'menubar','none'); set(gca,'XLim',[ 0. 500000.]); set(gca,'YLim',[-200000. 300000.]); set(gca,'Box','on'); set(gca,'XTick',[]); set(gca,'YTick',[]); [smin,smax,ibw]=colorband_fe(in,x,y,bnd,z,0,350,50); hold on; %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot land % landgrid='g2s' load([landgrid,'.lnd']) xland=eval([landgrid,'(:,2)']); yland=eval([landgrid,'(:,3)']); load([landgrid,'.lel']) inland=eval([landgrid]); c=[0.0 0.5 0.0]; for i=1:length(inland) hf=fill(xland(inland(i,2:4)),yland(inland(i,2:4)),c); set(hf,'EdgeColor','none'); end %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot particle tracks - outputing .jpg file every nout timesteps % nout = the number of timesteps to include for each iteration % => ndts/nout output .jpg files nout=5; h=plot(xdr(1,:),ydr(1,:),'r*') i=0; clear pad;pad='00'; title(verbatim([filename,': Day ',num2str(i*dtsec/3600/24)])); drawnow; eval(['print -djpeg ',filename,'_',pad,num2str(i)]); for i=nout+1:nout:ndts clear pad;if i < 10;pad='00';elseif i < 100;pad='0';else;pad='';end; for j=1:ndrog h=plot(xdr(i-nout:i,j),ydr(i-nout:i,j),'k-'); set(h,'LineWidth',2.0); end title(verbatim([filename,': Day ',num2str(i*dtsec/3600/24)])); drawnow; eval(['print -djpeg ',filename,'_',pad,num2str(i)]); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%