function [H,H2]=extclabel(CS,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10,arg11,... arg12,arg13,arg14,arg15,arg16,arg17,arg18,arg19); % EXTCLABEL *Real* Contour labelling % EXTCLABEL(CS) draw the contours in contour structure CS % adding real, rotated, line-broken labels. % % text and line property values are specified by the usual % property/value pairs, for text properties (beginning % with 'Font...' or 'Rotation') or line properties (beginning % with 'line...' or 'color'), % e.g., EXTCLABEL(...,'fontsize',8,'linewidth',3); % % The default rotation is aligned with the contours. Label % intervals (in 'points') are set using a 'label' property. % % See also EXTCONTOUR % Author: R. Pawlowicz IOS % 12/12/94 lab_int=72*2; % label interval (points) linarg_for_call=[]; textarg_for_call=[]; ii=2; while (ii<=nargin), arg=eval(['arg' int2str(ii)]); if (lower(arg(1:3))=='lin' | lower(arg(1:3))=='col'), ii=ii+1; linarg_for_call=[linarg_for_call ',''' arg ''',arg' int2str(ii) ]; elseif (lower(arg(1:3))=='fon' | lower(arg(1:3))=='rot'), ii=ii+1; textarg_for_call=[textarg_for_call ',''' arg ''',arg' int2str(ii) ]; elseif (lower(arg(1:3))=='lab' ), ii=ii+1; lab_int=eval(['arg' int2str(ii) ]); else error(['Unknown option: ' arg ]); end; ii=ii+1; end; % Compute scaling to make sure printed output looks OK. We have to go via % the figure's 'paperposition', rather than the the absolute units of the % axes 'position' since those would be absolute only if we kept the 'units' % property in some absolute units (like 'points') rather than the default % 'normalized'. UN=get(gca,'units'); if (UN(1:3)=='nor'), UN=get(gcf,'paperunits'); set(gcf,'paperunits','points'); PA=get(gcf,'paperpos'); set(gcf,'paperunits',UN); PA=PA.*[get(gca,'position')]; else set(gcf,'units','points'); PA=get(gca,'pos'); set(gca,'units',UN); end; % Find beginning of all lines lCS=size(CS,2); if (ishold), XL=get(gca,'xlim'); YL=get(gca,'ylim'); else iL=[]; k=1; XL=[Inf -Inf]; YL=[Inf -Inf]; while (k=4*len_lab & d(l) <=14*len_lab dint=2; elseif d(l) > 14*len_lab dint=4; else dint=1; end psn=[max(len_lab,d(l)/dint):d(l)/dint:d(l)-len_lab]; lp=size(psn,2); if (lp>0 & finite(lvl) ), Ic=sum( d(ones(1,lp),:)' < psn(ones(1,l),:) ); Il=sum( d(ones(1,lp),:)' < psn(ones(1,l),:)-len_lab ); Ir=sum( d(ones(1,lp),:)' < psn(ones(1,l),:)+len_lab ); % This is a fix to get around Matlabs sort-of-inconsistency with % what [1 1 1] indexing means... if ( ~any(Il~=1) & lp==l ), d=[d,d(l)]; x=[x,x(l)]; y=[y,y(l)]; end; % Endpoints of text in data coordinates wl=(d(Il+1)-psn+len_lab)./(d(Il+1)-d(Il)); wr=(psn-len_lab-d(Il) )./(d(Il+1)-d(Il)); xl=x(Il).*wl+x(Il+1).*wr; yl=y(Il).*wl+y(Il+1).*wr; wl=(d(Ir+1)-psn-len_lab)./(d(Ir+1)-d(Ir)); wr=(psn+len_lab-d(Ir) )./(d(Ir+1)-d(Ir)); xr=x(Ir).*wl+x(Ir+1).*wr; yr=y(Ir).*wl+y(Ir+1).*wr; trot=atan2( (yr-yl)*Aspy, (xr-xl)*Aspx )*180/pi; backang=abs(trot)>90; trot(backang)=trot(backang)+180; % Text location in data coordinates wl=(d(Ic+1)-psn)./(d(Ic+1)-d(Ic)); wr=(psn-d(Ic) )./(d(Ic+1)-d(Ic)); xc=x(Ic).*wl+x(Ic+1).*wr; yc=y(Ic).*wl+y(Ic+1).*wr; % Shift label over a little if in a curvy area shiftfrac=.5; xc=xc*(1-shiftfrac)+(xr+xl)/2*shiftfrac; yc=yc*(1-shiftfrac)+(yr+yl)/2*shiftfrac; % Remove data points under the label... % First, find endpoint locations as distances along lines dr=d(Ir)+sqrt( ((xr-x(Ir))*Aspx).^2 + ((yr-y(Ir))*Aspy).^2 ); dl=d(Il)+sqrt( ((xl-x(Il))*Aspx).^2 + ((yl-y(Il))*Aspy).^2 ); % Now, remove the data points in those gaps using that % ole' Matlab magic f1=zeros(1,l); f1(Il)=ones(1,lp); f2=zeros(1,l); f2(Ir)=ones(1,lp); irem=find(cumsum(f1)-cumsum(f2))+1; x(irem)=[]; y(irem)=[]; d(irem)=[]; l=l-size(irem,2); % Put the points in the correct order... xf=[x(1:l),xl,xc+NaN,xr]; yf=[y(1:l),yl,yc,yr]; [df,If]=sort([d(1:l),dl,psn,dr]); % ...and draw. eval(['H=[H;line(xf(If),yf(If)' linarg_for_call ')];']); for jj=1:lp, eval(['H2=text(xc(jj),yc(jj),lab,''rotation'',trot(jj),' ... ' ''vertical'',''middle'',''horizo'',''center'' ' textarg_for_call ');']); set(H2,'Clipping','on'); end; else eval(['H=[H;line(x,y' linarg_for_call ')];']); end; ii=ii+1+CS(2,ii); end; % delete dummy string delete(H1);