function [Winfo]=nortek_specmultiplot(dateinfo1,dateinfo2,timestep); %NOTE: This function is for the Nortek AWAC profiler! %where dateinfo1 and 2 are the strings of the first and last date extension %of the pressure,range,etc files and timestep is the time in hours between %each burst %This function takes the pressure, range, orbit and sysinfo files created %in python and outputs a Winfo data structure with the sig wave height, %peak period, direction of peak period and dominant dir. It also generates %polar plots and 2d freq and directional plots of a variety of different %estimation methods, resolutions and the nortek quickwave output. %first set up the time vector going from dateinfo1 to dateinfo2 Winfo.time=[]; date1=datevec(dateinfo1, 'yymmddHHMM'); date2=datevec(dateinfo2,'yymmddHHMM'); if date1 == date2 Winfo.time=[datenum(date1)]; else Winfo.time=[datenum(date1)]; newdate=date1; while datenum(newdate) ~= datenum(date2) newdate=newdate+[0 0 0 timestep 0 0]; Winfo.time=[horzcat(Winfo.time,datenum(newdate))]; end end %set up time, which is Winfo.time as date str in the yymmddHHMM format time=datestr(Winfo.time, 'yymmddHHMM'); %set up data structure for wave info Winfo.setup={'IMLM'}'; Winfo.hsig=[]; Winfo.hconf=[]; Winfo.peakP=[]; Winfo.dirP=[]; Winfo.Ddir=[]; Winfo.Spectrum.IMLM=[]; %load the wave data from the nortek quick wave software wavedata=load('BPWave01.wap'); %Load the data and run the script for i=1:length(time(:,1)) dateinfo=time(i,:); pressure=strcat('pressure_',dateinfo,'.txt'); range=strcat('range_',dateinfo,'.txt'); orbit=strcat('orbit_',dateinfo,'.txt'); sysinfo=strcat('sysinfo_',dateinfo,'.txt'); nortekspec=strcat('nortekspec_',dateinfo,'.txt'); pressure=load(pressure); range=load(range); orbit=load(orbit); sysinfo=load(sysinfo); nortekspec=load(nortekspec); %set up data with standard AST freq at 0.01 and dir at 2 [ID,SM,EP]=nortek_radialtouvw(pressure,range,orbit,sysinfo,1); %For IMLM EP.method='IMLM'; EP.iter=3; [I_F01_D2, EPout]=dirspec(ID,SM,EP,{'PLOTTYPE',0,'MESSAGE',0}); %Use waveplot to plot the polar, freq and dir plots of the spectra [E_WI,I_WI,nortek_WI,fig1,fig2]=nortek_waveplot(E_F01_D2,I_F01_D2,sysinfo,nortekspec); saveas(fig1,['polar1_' dateinfo '.fig']); saveas(fig2,['dirfreq1_' dateinfo '.fig']); close all; %Fill up the Winfo data structure hsig=[I_WI.hsig]; hconf=[I_WI.hconf]; peakP=[]; dirP=[I_WI.dtp]; Ddir=[I_WI.dp]; Winfo.hsig=[horzcat(Winfo.hsig,hsig)]; Winfo.hconf=[horzcat(Winfo.hconf,hconf)]; Winfo.peakP=[horzcat(Winfo.peakP,peakP)]; Winfo.dirP=[horzcat(Winfo.dirP,dirP)]; Winfo.Ddir=[horzcat(Winfo.Ddir,Ddir)]; Winfo.Spectrum.IMLM=[cat(3,Winfo.Spectrum.IMLM,I_F01_D2.S)]; end %now create the time series plots of the wave info [fig_sigh,fig_pp,fig_dp,fig_dd]=nortek_Winfo_plot(Winfo); saveas(fig_sigh,['sigh_' dateinfo '.fig']); saveas(fig_pp,['peakp_' dateinfo '.fig']); saveas(fig_dp,['dirpeak_' dateinfo '.fig']); saveas(fig_dd,['domdir_' dateinfo '.fig']); close all;