function [ID,SM,EP]=nortek_radialtouvw(pressure,range,orbit,sysinfo,data_type) %This code takes the loaded orbit, pressure and system info data from an %ADCP waves output and computes the uvw velocities in earth coordinates. %It also interpolates to remove bad data points and prepares the data %structure required for running the DIWASP program. The output will be in %the structures ID, SM and EP. %data_type is: %1 to use uvw and pressure to generate the data structures, %2 to use ranges %3 to use radial velocity data %make sure to load: pressure=load('pressure data'), %orbit=load('orbital data'),sysinfo=load('sysinfo data') and range %what is the transducer face height off the bottom? adcpheight=0.5; %whats the magnetic variation magvar=9.63; %set up pressure press=pressure/1000; %find the average depth avgdepth=mean(press)+adcpheight; %set up range range=range/1000; meanrange=mean(range); meanrange=repmat(meanrange,4096,1); dmrange=range-meanrange; std_range=std(dmrange); %need to decrease the number of range samples dmrange=decimate(dmrange,2); %set up sysinfo file heading=sysinfo(6,:); pitch=sysinfo(7,:); roll=sysinfo(8,:); binheight=sysinfo(11,:); %Find the std deviation of orbitals orbit=orbit/1000; std_orbit=std(orbit); orbitnew=orbit; %interpolate to take out any NaNs for i=1:3 ibad=find(abs(orbit(:,i)) > 5*std_orbit(:,i)); orbit(ibad,i)=NaN; time=[1:1:length(orbit(:,i))]; NaNs=isnan(orbit(:,i)); igood=find(NaNs == 0); ibad=find(NaNs == 1); intValues= interp1(time(igood),orbit(igood,i),time(ibad)); orbitnew(ibad,i)=intValues; end % Do the same for the range data rangenew=dmrange; ibad=find(abs(dmrange(:)) > 5*std_range(:)); dmrange(ibad)=NaN; time=[1:1:length(dmrange(:))]; NaNs=isnan(dmrange(:)); igood=find(NaNs == 0); ibad=find(NaNs == 1); intValues= interp1(time(igood),dmrange(igood),time(ibad)); rangenew(ibad)=intValues; dmrange=rangenew; %change heading, pitch, roll into degrees heading = heading/10; pitch=pitch/10; roll=roll/10; %compute the original x,y,z positions for each beam for each bin to be accurate we need to take out the adcpheight xyzpos=ones(3,3); height=binheight; pos=height*tan(25*pi/180); xyzpos(:,1)=[0,pos,height]; xyzpos(:,2)=[pos*cos(30*pi/180),-pos*.5,height]; xyzpos(:,3)=[-pos*cos(30*pi/180),-pos*.5,height]; beam4xpos=mean(press)*tan(roll*(pi/180)); beam4ypos=mean(press)*tan(-pitch*(pi/180)); % set up the new coordinate transformation matrix CH = cos((heading+magvar)*pi/180); SH = sin((heading+magvar)*pi/180); CP = cos((pitch)*pi/180); SP = sin((pitch)*pi/180); CR = cos((-roll)*pi/180); SR = sin((-roll)*pi/180); % let the matrix elements be ( a b c; d e f; g h j); a = CH.*CR - SH.*SP.*SR; b = SH.*CP; c = -CH.*SR - SH.*SP.*CR; d = -SH.*CR - CH.*SP.*SR; e = CH.*CP; f = SH.*SR - CH.*SP.*CR; g = CP.*SR; h = SP; j = CP.*CR; %transform the original x,y,z positions to the new positions accounting for %heading, pitch and roll... we also add adcpheight back in newxyzpos=ones(3,3); new_xyzpos(1,:)=xyzpos(1,:)*a+xyzpos(2,:)*b+xyzpos(3,:)*c; new_xyzpos(2,:)=xyzpos(1,:)*d+xyzpos(2,:)*e+xyzpos(3,:)*f; new_xyzpos(3,:)=xyzpos(1,:)*g+xyzpos(2,:)*h+xyzpos(3,:)*j+adcpheight; new_xyzpos(:,4)=[beam4xpos,beam4ypos,avgdepth];%this is for the vertical beam...the z position will always =the avg depth xyzpositions=new_xyzpos; %compute the x,y positions for each beam for each bin and the surface %sin45=0.7071 xypositions=ones(1,4); %beam 1 bearing=(heading+magvar)*(pi/180); distfromz=binheight*tan((25-pitch)*(pi/180)); xpos=sin(bearing)*distfromz; ypos=cos(bearing)*distfromz; distroll=binheight*tan(roll*(pi/180)); beam1xpos=xpos+0.7071*distroll; beam1ypos=ypos+0.7071*distroll; %beam 2 bearing=bearing+2/3*pi; distfromz=binheight*tan(25*(pi/180)); xpos=sin(bearing)*distfromz; ypos=cos(bearing)*distfromz; beam2xpos=xpos+binheight*tan(roll*(pi/180)); beam2ypos=ypos+binheight*tan(-pitch*(pi/180)); %beam 3 bearing=bearing+2/3*pi; distfromz=binheight*tan(25*(pi/180)); xpos=sin(bearing)*distfromz; ypos=cos(bearing)*distfromz; beam3xpos=xpos+binheight*tan(-roll*(pi/180)); beam3ypos=ypos+binheight*tan(-pitch*(pi/180)); xypositions=[beam1xpos beam2xpos beam3xpos beam4xpos; beam1ypos beam2ypos beam3ypos beam4ypos]; %Put into structures for DIWASP %sampling frequency ID.fs=2; %depth ID.depth=(adcpheight+mean(press)); %the spectral matrix structure SM.freqs=[0.01:0.01:0.4]; SM.dirs=[-180:2:180]; SM.xaxisdir= 90; %the estimation parameter EP.method= 'EMEP'; EP.iter=100; if data_type == 1 %For radial velocities and the range beam % the datatypes ID.datatypes={'elev' 'radial' 'radial' 'radial'}; % the layout ID.layout = [xyzpositions(1,4) xyzpositions(1,1) xyzpositions(1,2) xyzpositions(1,3);xyzpositions(2,4) xyzpositions(2,1) xyzpositions(2,2) xyzpositions(2,3); xyzpositions(3,4) xyzpositions(3,1) xyzpositions(3,2) xyzpositions(3,3)]; % the data = horzcat(dmrange, orbitnew(:,1), orbitnew(:,2), orbitnew(:,3)); end