function EP=testspec(ID,theta,spread,weights,EP); %DIWASP V1.1 function %testspec: Testing routine for directional wave spectrum estimation methods % %[EPout] = testspec(ID,theta,spread,weights,EP) % %Outputs: %EPout The estimation parameters structure used in the test. % %Inputs: %ID An instrument data structure containing the measured data. The field is ignored. %theta vector with the mean directions of a sea state component %spread vector with the spreading parameters of a sea state component %weights vector with relative weights of sea state components %EP The estimation parameters structure with the values under test used. Default settings are used where not specified. % %All inputs are required % %Testspec details: % %The fields ID.layout and ID.datatypes and ID.depth are used to specify the arrangement of the imaginary sensors. % %The function outputs a plot of the specified spreading function (solid line) and the estimated spreading shape (dotted line). % %The calculation is carried out for a frequency of 0.2 Hz. %The inputs theta, spread and weights determine the shape of the directional spreading function. %Each of these inputs is a vector of length n where n is the number of sea state components. %Each sea state component has a mean direction and a spreading parameter. %The directional spreading is calculated with a cosine power function (Mitsuyasu et al.1975 J.Phys Oceanogr.5,750-760) % %"help data_structures" for information on the DIWASP data structures % %All of the implemented calculation algorithms are as described by: %Hashimoto,N. 1997 "Analysis of the directional wave spectrum from field data" %In: Advances in Coastal Engineering Vol.3. Ed:Liu,P.L-F. Pub:World Scientific,Singapore % %Copyright (C) 2002 Coastal Oceanography Group, CWR, UWA, Perth S=1;F=0.2;ddir=2*pi/EP.dres;ncom=size(theta,2); ID=check_data(ID,1);if isempty(ID) return;end; EP=check_data(EP,3);if isempty(EP) return;end; szd=size(ID.layout,2); szdt=size(ID.datatypes,2); dirs=[-180:1:179]; disp(' ');disp('calculating.....');disp(' '); disp('wavenumbers') wns=wavenumber(2*pi*F,ID.depth); dres=EP.dres; pidirs=[-pi:(2*pi/dres):pi-(2*pi/dres)]; %generate spreading function for ni=1:ncom GS(ni,:)=(cos(0.5*(pidirs-theta(ni)*(pi/180)*ones(size(pidirs))))).^(2*spread(ni)); sumGS(ni)=sum(GS(ni,:)); end sumweights=sum(weights); weights=(1/sumweights)*weights; coeff=(1./(sumGS*ddir)).*weights; Gg=zeros(size(pidirs)); for ni=1:ncom Gg=Gg+coeff(ni)*GS(ni,:); end disp('transfer parameters'); for m=1:szd trm(m,:,:)=feval(ID.datatypes{m},2*pi*F,pidirs,wns,ID.layout(3,m),ID.depth); for n=1:szd kx(m,n,:,:)=wns*((ID.layout(1,n)-ID.layout(1,m))*cos(pidirs)+(ID.layout(2,n)-ID.layout(2,m))*sin(pidirs)); end end disp('cross power spectra');disp(' '); for m=1:szd Ss(m,1)=S; for n=1:szd expx(1:dres)=exp(-i*kx(m,n,1,1:dres)); Hh(1:dres)=trm(m,1,1:dres); Hhs(1:dres)=conj(trm(n,1,1:dres)); Htemp=(Hh.*Hhs.*expx); expG=Htemp.*Gg; xps(m,n,1)=sum(expG)*ddir; end end % call appropriate estimation function disp(['directional spectra using' blanks(1) EP.method ' method']); disp(' ') Specout=feval(EP.method,xps,trm,kx,Ss,pidirs,200,2); % map spectrum onto user defined direction vector Dd=pidirs*(180/pi); disp('finished...plotting spectrum'); fig=figure; plot(Dd,real(Specout),'b.',Dd,Gg,'k'); nse=sum((real(Specout)-Gg).^2)./sum(Gg.^2); T=['Directional spreading estimated using ' blanks(1) EP.method ' method' blanks(2) 'NSE:' num2str(nse,3)]; title(T); ylabel(''); xlabel('direction [degrees]'); zlabel('m^2');