%DIWASP Version 1.1 help file %This describes the three structures used in DIWASP functions % %The input data structure(ID) contains fields: % ID.data measured wave data matrix - data in columns, one column per sensor % ID.layout layout of the sensors - x,y,z in each column. % x and y from arbitrary origin and z measured upwards from seabed (m) % ID.datatypes sensor type. Enter as cell list: e.g. {'elev' 'pres'}. Currently supported: % 'elev' surface elevation % 'pres' pressure % 'velx' x component velocity % 'vely' y component velocity % 'velz' z component velocity % 'vels' vertical velocity of surface % 'accs' vertical acceleration of surface % 'slpx' x component surface slope % 'slpy' y component surface slope % ID.depth mean overall depth of measurement area (m) % ID.fs sampling frequency of instruments - must be single figure for all (Hz) % %The spectral matrix structure(SM) contains fields: % SM.freqs vector of length nf defining the bin centres of the spectral matrix frequency axis % SM.dirs vector of length nd defining the bin centres of the spectral matrix direction axis % SM.S matrix of size [nf,nd] containing the actual spectral density % SM.xaxisdir compass direction of the x axis. % %The estimation parameter(EP) structure contains the fields: % EP.method estimation method used. Currently supported: % 'DFTM' Direct Fourier transform method % 'EMLM' Extended maximum likelihood method % 'IMLM' Iterated maximum likelihood method % 'EMEP' Extended maximum entropy principle % 'BDM' Bayesian direct method % EP.nfft number of DFTs used to calculate the frequency spectra: frequency resolution is (EP.nfft)/2 % EP.dres directional resolution of calculation itself specified as the number of directional bins % which cover the whole circle. Note that the actual output resolution is determined by SM.dirs % EP.iter number of iterations: this has various effects for different methods % EP.smooth smoothing applied: 'ON' or 'OFF' % %%Note that the name of the structures are arbitrary but the field names must not be changed. %This file is only a help file