function [SM,EP]=dirspec(ID,SM,EP,varargin) %DIWASP V1.1 function with GD edit %dirspec: main spectral estimation routine % %IMPT!: See code for recent changes as of 2/18/09 % %Note that there have been some chages made to this function since V1.1 % %-The outdated matlab function csd was replaced with the new version cpsd % % %-The ability to use along beam radial velocities has been added, and so the transfer %parameters have been edited so that the x,y position of the data input %is also included % %-In addition, the first data input cell is radial velocity data, the initial 1-d %frequency spectrum will be generated using the spectral average of all of %the data input. Note that if the first data input cell is something other %than 'radial' (pressure or sea surface height may be preferable), %the initial 1-d frequency spectrum will be generated using ONLY that first %data input. % %-the way the cpsd function created the window length was changed to pick %an option that better suits the data length used % %-The formulation of pidirs was changed from hardwired at -pi to pi, to bounding %by the user selected SM.dirs data field % %[SMout,EPout]=dirspec(ID,SM,EP,{options}) % %Outputs: %SMout A spectral matrix structure containing the results %Epout The estimation parameters structure with the values actually used for the computation including any default settings. % %Inputs: %ID An instrument data structure containing the measured data %SM A spectral matrix structure; data in field SM.S is ignored. %EP The estimation parameters structure. For default values enter EP as [] %[options] options entered as cell array with parameter/value pairs: e.g.{'MESSAGE',1,'PLOTTYPE',2}; % Available options with default values: % 'MESSAGE',1, Level of screen display: 0,1,2 (increasing output) % 'PLOTTYPE',1, Plot type: 0 none, 1 3d surface, 2 polar type plot, 3 3d surface(compass angles), 4 polar plot(compass angles) % 'FILEOUT','' Filename for output file: empty string means no file output % %Input structures ID and SM are required. Either [EP] or [options] can be included but must be in order if both are included. %Type:%"help data_structures" for information on the DIWASP data structures %All of the implemented calculation algorithms are as described by: %Hashimoto,N. 1997 "Analysis of the directional wave spectrum from field data" %In: Advances in Coastal Engineering Vol.3. Ed:Liu,P.L-F. Pub:World Scientific,Singapore % %Copyright (C) 2002 Coastal Oceanography Group, CWR, UWA, Perth Options=struct('MESSAGE',1,'PLOTTYPE',1,'FILEOUT',''); if nargin<3 error('All inputs other than OPTIONS required'); elseif nargin>=4 nopts=length(varargin{1}); end ID=check_data(ID,1);if isempty(ID) return;end; SM=check_data(SM,2);if isempty(SM) return;end; EP=check_data(EP,3);if isempty(EP) return;end; if ~isempty(nopts) if(rem(nopts,2)~=0) warning('Options must be in Name/Value pairs - setting to defaults'); else for i=1:(nopts/2) arg=varargin{1}{(2*i)}; field=varargin{1}{(2*i-1)}; Options=setfield(Options,field,arg); end end end ptype=Options.PLOTTYPE;displ=Options.MESSAGE; disp(' ');disp('calculating.....');disp(' ');disp('cross power spectra'); data=detrend(; szd=size(,2); dt=1/(ID.fs); %get resolution of FFT - if not specified, calculate a sensible value depending on sampling frequency if isempty(EP.nfft) nfft=2^(8+round(log2(ID.fs))); EP.nfft=nfft; else nfft=EP.nfft; end %NOTE: changed on 9/5/08 window length for cpsd set to be a window equal to %or slightly larger than nfft so padding is limited dataLength=size(,1); numWindows=ceil(dataLength/nfft); window=ceil(dataLength/numWindows); %Do a version check for the upcoming cpsd function. If the version is 2006b %or later (date Aug,3,2006 or datenum 732892 cpsd will be handled %differently. added on 9/17/08 [v d]=version; ver_date=datenum(d); % NOTE: changed cross power spectral function from csd to cpsd 6/15/07 for m=1:szd for n=1:szd % Need to have 2 different cpsd functions depending on Matlab version. % added of 9/17/08 if ver_date < 732892 [xpstmp,Ftmp]=cpsd(data(:,m),data(:,n),window,[],nfft,ID.fs); else [xpstmp,Ftmp]=cpsd(data(:,n),data(:,m),window,[],nfft,ID.fs); end; xps(m,n,:)=xpstmp(2:(nfft/2)+1); xpsout=xps; end end F=Ftmp(2:(nfft/2)+1);nf=nfft/2; %calculate wavenumbers disp('wavenumbers') wns=wavenumber(2*pi*F,ID.depth*ones(size(F))); %Edited on 2/18/09 to adjust for whatever the user selects for the %directional bounds (whatever SM.dirs is) pidirs=[SM.dirs(1)*(pi/180):(2*pi/EP.dres):SM.dirs(end)*(pi/180)-(2*pi/EP.dres)]; % NOTE: edited the transfer parameters to include x and y position % x is (layout(1,m)),y is (layout(2,m)) (6/15/07) %calculate transfer parameters disp('transfer parameters'); disp(' '); for m=1:szd [trm(m,:,:)]=feval(ID.datatypes{m},2*pi*F,pidirs,wns,ID.layout(3,m),ID.depth,ID.layout(1,m),ID.layout(2,m)); % 2piF is ffreqs for n=1:szd kx(m,n,:,:)=wns*((ID.layout(1,n)-ID.layout(1,m))*cos(pidirs)+(ID.layout(2,n)-ID.layout(2,m))*sin(pidirs)); end end for m=1:szd tfn(:,:)=trm(m,:,:); Sxps(1:nf)=2*dt*xps(m,m,:); Ss(m,:)=Sxps./(max(tfn').*conj(max(tfn'))); end SsOut=Ss; %What are the number of sensors (data series) used to compute the power %spectrum? If we aren't using radial velocities it is just 1. dataUsed=1; %NOTE: edited on 8/07 %have Ss = the spectral average if the radial velocities are used without a %pressure or vertical range datatype first compare=strcmp('radial',ID.datatypes(1)); if compare == 1 Ss=mean(Ss); %since this is using radial velocities the number of data series used %the total number of sensors or szd dataUsed=szd; end %Compute the degrees of freedom depending on cpsd options and the data used %See Emery and Thomson, 2004, added on 9/17/08 windowConstant=2.5164; %for Hamming Window (Matlab default for cpsd) degF=dataUsed*2*numWindows*windowConstant; SM.degF=degF; ffs=sum(F<=max(SM.freqs)); % call appropriate estimation function disp(['directional spectra using' blanks(1) EP.method ' method']);disp(' ') Specout=feval(EP.method,xps(:,:,1:ffs),trm(:,1:ffs,:),kx(:,:,1:ffs,:),Ss(:,1:ffs),pidirs,EP.iter,displ); Specout(find(isnan(Specout)))=0.0; Hs=Hsig(Specout,F(2)-F(1),pidirs(2)-pidirs(1)); % map spectrum onto user defined spectrum matrix - need extra line of frequencies to avoid NaNs [df,ddir]=meshgrid(SM.freqs,SM.dirs); pidirs(EP.dres+1)=SM.dirs(end); %edited on 2/18/09 to adjust for changes in pidirs (see above) Specout=Specout'; Specout(EP.dres+1,:)=Specout(1,:); [Ff,Dd]=meshgrid(F(1:ffs),(180/pi)*pidirs); S=interp2(Ff,Dd,Specout,df,ddir,'nearest'); S=S*pi/180; S(find(isnan(S)))=0.0; %check Hsig of mapped spectrum and check sufficiently close to original Hs2=Hsig(S,SM.freqs(2)-SM.freqs(1),SM.dirs(2)-SM.dirs(1)); if (Hs2-Hs)/Hs >0.01 warning('User defined grid may be too coarse; try increasing resolution of ''SM.freqs'' or ''SM.dirs'''); end %smooth spectrum if(strcmp(EP.smooth,'ON')) disp(' ');disp('smoothing spectrum...');disp(' '); S=smoothspec(S,[1 0.5 0.25;1 0.5 0.25]); end SM.S=S'; infospec(SM); %write out spectrum matrix in DIWASP format filename=Options.FILEOUT; if(size(filename,2)>0) disp('writing out spectrum matrix to file'); writespec(SM,filename); end %plot spectrum if(ptype>0) disp('finished...plotting spectrum'); plotspec(SM,ptype); T=['Directional spectrum estimated using ' blanks(1) EP.method ' method'];title(T); end