function [SM]=readspec(filename) %DIWASP V1.1 function %readspec: reads in spectrum file in DIWASP format and displays surface plot % %[SM]=readspec(filename) % %Outputs: %SM A spectral matrix structure containing the file data % %Inputs: %filename filename for the file in DIWASP format including file extension % %"help data_structures" for information on the DIWASP data structures %Copyright (C) 2002 Coastal Oceanography Group, CWR, UWA, Perth datain=load(filename); SM.xaxisdir=datain(1); nfreq=datain(2); ndirs=datain(3); SM.freqs=datain(4:nfreq+3); SM.dirs=datain(nfreq+4:nfreq+3+ndirs); headercheck=datain(nfreq+ndirs+4); if headercheck~=999 error('corrupt file header'); end mat=datain(nfreq+ndirs+5:nfreq+ndirs+4+(nfreq*ndirs)); S=reshape(mat,ndirs,nfreq); SM.S=S'; plotspec(SM,1);